Environmental CareImproving InfrastructureSouth Africa Sasol and Natref handover projects for Metsimaholo 17th November 2023
Sasol in SportSocial InvestmentSouth Africa Believe in her dreams with #SasolLeague 24th October 2023
ChinaEnvironmental CareSasol For Good Team Sasol in China Joins World Cleanup Day 20th September 2023
Friendly NeighbourSasol RetailSocial InvestmentSouth Africa Sasol Energy Business supports winter warmer drive 21st June 2023
EducationImproving InfrastructureSasol FoundationSocial InvestmentSouth Africa Coding and Robotics For Rural children 26th April 2023
EducationImproving InfrastructureSasol FoundationSocial InvestmentSouth Africa Science and technology lessons for rural schools 25th April 2023