EducationUnited States of America Southern University and Sasol announce partnership 27th October 2021
Better HealthcareCOVID-19South Africa Donation to Provincial Governments’ Vaccination Rollout 6th October 2021
EducationMozambiqueSocial Investment Formação Técnica e Vocacional em Govuro e Inhassoro 1st October 2021
Improving InfrastructureMozambique Campanha de perfurações no âmbito do projecto PSA da Sasol arranca com 10 dias de antecedência 17th September 2021
Friendly NeighbourSocial InvestmentSouth Africa Sasol Pinehaven Honours Healthcare Workers 16th September 2021
Improving InfrastructureUnited States of America Delivering on commitments to stakeholders 25th August 2021
Friendly NeighbourSocial InvestmentSouth Africa Work skills for those with intellectual disability challenges 21st August 2021
Friendly NeighbourImproving InfrastructureSouth Africa Friendly Neighbours Supporting Health & Wellbeing 20th August 2021