Sasolburg and Natref Operations
On Thursday 18 July 2024 Sasol and Natref employees in Sasolburg joined the world in honouring the legacy of the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela by giving a little of their time to make a difference in the lives of others, contributing to changing the world around them.
According to Thuli Mbuli, Sasol Head Community Affairs, “this year, our focus was on food security, an important issue affecting many vulnerable groups in our communities, specifically child and youth-headed households, as well as households headed by the elderly who are looking after children. We are proud to report that over 350 employees volunteered on Mandela Day, packing 800 nutritious food hampers including various non-perishable food items. These items, packed in reusable buckets, will be provided to child-focused non-profit organisations that will distribute them to people in need around Metsimaholo”.

In addition to the food packing, employees also volunteered to paint and clean at the Lesedi Edu-Care centre in Zamdela. The Phele O Mpedise centre, a non-governmental organisation that provides care to vulnerable children and child-headed families in Zamdela, received a range of equipment from Sasol to assist them in their preparation of nutritious meals for their beneficiaries.
Two primary schools, being Tsatsi and AJ Jacobs were also assisted with equipment and maintenance work. Tsatsi Primary received furniture, garden equipment and seedlings for their vegetable garden, sport equipment and maintenance of their netball courts and soccer field. Maintenance work and painting were also done to enhance their greenhouse and playground. The floor of the girls’ bathroom at AJ Jacobs was painted, toilet seats replaced and stalls fitted with new locks.

Residents of the Môredou Old Age home in Sasolburg received hampers while Sasol employees donated non-perishable food items to the home.
These contributions formed part of Sasol’s 2024 Mandela Day celebrations. “Since Mandela Day 2023, Sasol has implemented various campaigns to raise awareness and provide care and support to victims of Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) as part of the Sasol GBVF Response Plan,” said Mbuli.
In Sasolburg Sasol further supported and upgraded the Sasolburg Safe House for Children and the Sasolburg Thuthuzela Care Centre. In terms of infrastructure, the Safe House was fully renovated and converted to utilise renewable energy and water from a borehole, also providing a laundry and play area. At the Thuthuzela Care Centre the property was fenced and paved, shade netting and seating provided, while the access road and parking area were also upgraded. A storage and filing solution was also provided. This is in addition to much needed household items and gardening equipment, toys and books donated to the two centres.

The activities in Sasolburg formed part of Sasol’s Mandela Day celebrations at 12 Sasol sites around South Africa that saw more than 1 400 volunteers pack over 3 000 hampers while others did volunteer work at facilities that take care of the most vulnerable in society.

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