Sasol Satellite Operations held a handover ceremony for initiatives servicing our Kwa-Zulu Natal fenceline communities on 6 October 2020.
Sasol is part of society, communities and value chains in which we do business and create value. We look at ourselves as part of a system that exists to create a shared value for all that we do business with. Our role in society is a catalyst for change and we would like to continue contributing to make a change in societies and communities in which we live and value chains within which we do business.
Therefore our approach to value creation and investing in our communities is guided by our sustainability statement, namely, ‘Advancing chemical and energy solutions that contribute to a thriving planet, society and enterprise’, and is aligned with global priorities as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while responding to local realities with targeted investments in our fence-line communities.
The four initiatives that were handed over were:
1) The repaired Wentworth Secondary School;
2) A donation of a mobile science laboratory;
3) Support to Zoe Life for HIV/AIDS testing and counselling;
4) A donation of over 500 litres of sanitiser to iNanda Seminary School.
Wentworth Secondary School
In 2018 Sasol committed to support the Wentworth community with repairs of the Wentworth Secondary School following the ravaging storms that took place in this area during October 2017. We are grateful to the South Durban Basin Community Development Trust for bringing this community need to our attention so passionately.

“I hope that this small investment Sasol has made by repairing the roof of the classes that were affected by storm to Wentworth Secondary School, shall propel our children to want to be educated so that they can escape the poverty cycles our communities are engulfed in.” said Sipho Maseko – Vice President Durban Wax and Pipeline Operations.
Mobile Science Laboratory
One of the shortcomings in most previously disadvantaged schools is the lack of properly equipped science laboratories. For this reason that Sasol procured and donated a mobile laboratory vehicle to be operated by the Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics (CASME). The donation of the Mobile Science Laboratory will service the Durban South Basin schools.

The objective of this Mobile Science Laboratory is to support the school system towards improving the results in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects. These are the subjects that are needed in most industries, and serve as skill formation to qualify for many careers, such as scientists or engineers. It is our wish that this learner support programme will serve as one of the building blocks towards aligning education to industry needs.
HIV/AIDS Testing and Counselling
“Although, today’s biggest health threat is COVID-19 outbreak, I need to remind everyone that HIV/AIDS stubbornly remains one of the major killers of our youth. It is for this reason that we committed to continue to support the work of Zoe Life which is focused on testing and counselling the youth so that they may live fulfilling and long lives,” added Maseko.
Santiser donation to iNanda Seminary School
During the donation handover of over 500 litres of hand sanitiser to iNanda Seminary School, Dr Thembakazi Mali – Senior Vice President of Sasol Research and Technology addressed those in attendance. “As Sasol, we see the impact COVID-19 pandemic has had on our business, our employees, our fenceline communities. We therefore recognise our duty and deeper responsibility to further support our most vulnerable community members and society at large under very challenging and uncertain times. We are privileged and thankful as Team Sasol that we were given the opportunity to play our part in flattening the curve and step up in contribution towards tackling this health crisis we find ourselves in.”

Click here to read an article on the other fine work done by Team Sasol and partners in this fenceline community.