O Governo de Moçambique aprovou, em 2014, a Política de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial para a Indústria Extractiva de Recursos Minerais (Política de RSE), através da Resolução 21/2014, de 16 de Maio.
Dos termos da Política de RSE consta a terminologia Acordos de Desenvolvimento Local (ADL), que se refere aos acordos tripartidos entre as empresas, as comunidades locais e os governos distritais que visam alinhar as prioridades das três (3) partes.

A Sasol em Moçambique foi proactiva e pioneira na adopção deste modelo, ao negociar e assinar dois ADL orçados em USD 20 milhões, em Outubro de 2019, para um período de 5 anos com 37 comunidades dos Distritos de Govuro e Inhassoro.
Leia mais sobre a contribuição da Sasol em Moçambique para o Desenvolvimento Socio-económico de Mocambique, através dos ADL aqui

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS (LDAs) A Partnership Between the Company, Communities, and Government
The Government of Mozambique approved the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for the Extractive Industry of Mineral Resources (CRS Policy) in 2014 through Resolution 21/2014 of 16 May.
The CSR Policy introduces the concept of Local Development Agreements (LDA), referring to tripartite agreements between companies, local communities, and district governments, aimed at aligning the priorities of all three (3) parties. This Policy applies exclusively to the mineral resources industry, establishing the criteria for companies that voluntarily decide to invest in Corporate Social Responsibility programmes.
As the Policy only set out the foundational principles, the Government approved its implementation guidelines in 2017 (Ministerial Diploma 8/2017 of 16 January), effectively serving as a regulation for the CSR Policy. With the support of these guidelines and in alignment with the Petroleum Operations Regulation (Decree 34/2015 of 31 December), Sasol in Mozambique took a proactive and pioneering role in adopting this model by negotiating and signing two LDAs in October 2019, covering a five-year period.
Read more about ADLs here