What is OCS?
Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) is an international programme designed to prevent the loss of plastic granules (pellets, flakes and powders) during handling by the various entities in the plastics value chain and their release into the environment. The response of the plastics industry to the loss of plastic pellets, flakes and powder has been the subscription to and implementation of OCS. The OCS programme was developed in collaboration with Plastics Industry association (PLASTICS) to reduce pellet loss.
Sasol became a signatory of Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) in 2020. The Polypropylene plant (Polymers) in Secunda has committed to OCS and implements the OCS commitments throughout the plant.
Why we got involved
There is an increasing global pressure to stop the production of plastic products. The benefits of plastics exceed the disadvantages thereof by far – if used and disposed responsibly. Plastic pollution can make their way into local waterways and ultimately end up the ocean. Doing nothing is thus not an option. Small clean-up initiatives, responsible behaviour and developing a sustainable mindset can make a vast difference.
The impact
The OCS programme contains a detailed toolkit and a manual with guidelines to help operations to reduce the accidental loss of pellets, flakes and powder from the manufacturing facility into the environment. The OCS guidelines enable Sasol Polymers to steer responsible behaviour, create awareness and prevent plastic pellets from entering our water sources.
Way forward
Sasol will continue to show commitment towards the OCS programme and implement the stipulated guidelines.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall, English primatologist and anthropologist.
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” — Robert Swan
Webpages for more information

Recognition is given to our Sasol Polymers management, Eric Munyangane and Ludwig van Niekerk, as well as Wilma Groenewald, Jan Ferreira, Gerrit Carlse and Sven Pelgrims for their commitment to the OCS programme.